Games of Westeros 19, as usual in Rudbeckianska Gymnasiet, Västerås Sweden.
08:45 Collection
09:00 Match 1 12:15
lunch - and voting best army (more info under best painted army)
13:30 Match 2 16:45 short break
17:00 Match 3 20:15
End of day 1
08:45 Match 4
12:00 Lunch - and voting best model (more info under best painted model)
13:00 Match 5 16:15 End of day two.
How to sign up:
Cost: SEK 350 this includes free coffee, parking and the opportunity to use the dormitory. Registration is at the following link:
Army lists must be sent to: Dennispalmkvist at
The list must be written in text form
T9A list deadline 1maj