
Bli medlem i JSU Book Club 2025

JSU Book club is a book club for all the students at Jönköping University. We hosts events a few times per semester and also have book circles where our members can read and discuss book together. Each book circle focuses on one genre, and the book they read is decided by the members of the circle. The circles have regular meetings where they discuss the part of the book they have read so far. The reading pace is adjusted so everyone has time to keep up with the book while also focusing on their studies. This semester we have three book circles: fantasy, romance and crime. If you are interested in another genre members are free to start their own circles within the book club. Each circle can also read several books at the same time, so we hope you'll find a book you like!

Föreningens stadgar

Hanteringen av dina uppgifter

Du ansöker nu om medlemsskap i föreningen under 2025. Du ansluts också till Sverok. Är du mellan 6-25 år, så får föreningen bidrag för att du är medlem. Inga personuppgifter kommer att lämnas ut av Sverok.