
Bli medlem i International Board Gamers 2025

You like board games no matter the form? You wish to meet new people while doing something fun? Perhaps you want to discover new games? Or you're looking for players to try out that brand new game you just bought or to play this old one you love?

Whatever your reasons, welcome to International Board Gamers!

The purpose of the association is to meet new people and make friends. We do this by organizing events related to board games and tabletop games.

We organize gatherings to talk about board games in all their forms and of course to play the games we like! Any type of games are welcomed: from those that only take 10 minutes to those that last several hours, co-operative and competitive, cards, strategy, hidden-role games, from those that are played with only two players to those that gather a whole crowd!

Föreningens stadgar

Hanteringen av dina uppgifter

Du ansöker nu om medlemsskap i föreningen under 2025. Du ansluts också till Sverok. Är du mellan 6-25 år, så får föreningen bidrag för att du är medlem. Inga personuppgifter kommer att lämnas ut av Sverok.