
Bli medlem i Spelgillet 2025

Spelgillet / The Gaming Guild is a Student Association at Malmö University and an affiliated association of Malmö Brädspelsförening. We host Game Nights on Thursdays from 16:30 to 22:00 at Kölsvinet, at the university campus. We have a focus on being open for everyone regardless of background and therefore use English as a 'lingua franca' for the ease of new students.

We offer 'fika' at every Game Night as well as help with rules, setting up games and a generally creating a good mood.

To become a member you have to:
-Be a member of the "Student union".
-Fill in "ort" (City/town/municipality you live in) on the next website, there you also fill in email, social security number and so on.
-If you don't have a social security number look at the bottom of your multi-card (the card you got from Malmö university) there should be a number. If it doesn't work you have to do it on one of our board game days.

Information om medlemsavgift

Membership Fees are:
1 Semester (either August to February, or February to August) - Costs 40 SEK
2 Semesters (either August to August, or February to February) - Costs 50 SEK

You can pay either through SWISH or cash at any of our Game Nights. We will accept your membership once we have received payment.

Please send payment before continuing to the next step of sign-up or contact us if you want to pay via cash!

076 - 424 54 96

Föreningens stadgar

Hanteringen av dina uppgifter

Du ansöker nu om medlemsskap i föreningen under 2025. Du ansluts också till Sverok. Är du mellan 6-25 år, så får föreningen bidrag för att du är medlem. Inga personuppgifter kommer att lämnas ut av Sverok.